Top Salmon

TOP Salmon rich in salmon is a complete dry food formulated for the maintenance of adult dogs.
TOP Salmon brings quality to your dog's bowl. TOP Salmon is a complete, balanced, wholesome dog food with a high nutritional value that offers an optimal supply of protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals for the sustenance and well-being of your adult dog.
Natural source of protein.
The presence of Omega 3 and 6 plays an important role in the health of the immune system and improves the appearance of skin and hair.
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Discover Top Salmon

Description Complete maintenance food for adult dogs. Rich in Salmon. Composition Carne disidratata 28% (salmone min. 5%, manzo), mais, grano e derivati, grassi e oli animali , riso, polpa di barbabietola, antiossidanti, vitamine. Tenori Analitici
Supplements for KG Daily Ration
5-10 kg
10-25 kg
25-35 kg
35-45 kg
+45 kg
Daily ration
105-180 g
180-360 g
360-465 g
465-560 g
600 g
Description Complete maintenance food for adult dogs. Rich in Salmon. Composition Dehydrated meat 28% (salmon min. 16%, beef, lamb), maize, wheat and derivatives, animal fats and oils, rice, salmon oil (3%), beet pulp, antioxidants, vitamins. Analytical Tenors
Supplements for KG Daily RationPeso 5-10 kg 10-25 kg 25-35 kg 35-45 kg +45 kg Daily ration 105-180 g 180-360 g 360-465 g 465-560 g 600 g